Friday, June 27, 2008

Lyndsy is going home!

" Lyndsy is getting out of the hospital today. She is doing well and ready to break out of this place! She is still sleeping a lot and giving the nurses a run for their money! When the pain meds wear off, she doesn't hold back.
Angie is the same....she has good hours and bad hours. She is responding more and more and seems to be progressing...just not fast enough sometimes. I am sad to leave the hospital without her. We will be back a lot to see her." From Julie (Lyndsy's Mom, my Sister).

1 comment:

Ashley Smith said...

Julie, This is Ashley (Hughett) Smith. You have a beautiful daughter and I'm so glad to hear that she is doing well. She must be a very strong girl to be so brave. I can remember a drive we took together to Boise to see Kristy and your mom. Lyndsy was just a little girl and kept asking "Why, why, why," over and over and over! I hope she and her friend continue to heal well. Best of wishes and many prayers. Love, Ashley